
文澜学术系列讲座 第257期 瑞士苏黎世大学工商管理系数字化转型管理与经济学副教授 Luis Aguiar: “Let that Sync in: The Effect of Music Reuse on Product Discovery”


主题|TopicLet that Sync in: The Effect of Music Reuse on Product Discovery

时间|Time43周三9: 30-11: 00

地点|VenueZoom 861 0033 5878


Luis Aguiar,瑞士苏黎世大学工商管理系数字化转型管理与经济学副教授,同时担任 Information Economics and Policy 联合主编。主要研究领域为数字经济和在线市场经济学,运用各种计量经济学方法分析技术变革对企业、消费者、市场和福利的影响,尤其关注数字媒体产品。已有多篇论文发表于 Journal of Political Economy, Information Systems Research, the Journal of Industrial Economics, and the International Journal of Industrial Organization 等国际知名学术期刊。他的研究也被各种新闻媒体报道,包括 The Economist, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, CNBC, and Billboard Magazine


Digitization has importantly expanded the scope for reusing music in films, a process known as music synchronization. We use panel data on Netflix and Shazam, combined with a fixed-effects estimation strategy, to identify the causal effect of music synchronization on the discovery of reused songs. Our results show that songs are substantially more likely to be discovered via Shazam’s music recognition algorithm when reused in movies that get more Netflix exposure, even after controlling for country-specific song quality. Our estimates further show that an additional million Netflix views lead to an increase in shazams of 2.7% for the songs they reuse. These results indicate that movies play a significant role in boosting the discovery of reused music and have important implications for the negotiation of licensing rights between movie producers and music rightholders. They additionally improve our understanding of how new technologies enabled by digitization affect the content industries.